Discussion of the Manifesto


New member
All members please check out our new Manifesto and Mission Statement here, and raise any comments or questions you have with it.
Hm, I suppose it depends on whether you read it as:

The Academic Centre of Media Excellence (ACME) stands to provide:
-independent media outlets with resources to help improve the quality of their productions;
-co-ordination to better organise coverage of events; and
-advocacy to expand opportunities for private media within Europeia,


The Academic Centre of Media Excellence (ACME) stands to:

-provide independent media outlets with resources to help improve the quality of their productions;
-co-ordination to better organise coverage of events; and
-advocacy to expand opportunities for private media within Europeia.

I could reword the last bit to "...and to advocate..." but as it stands, the reading of the list would have "...to provide...advocate..." which does not read properly.
I think Anumia's focus has been, and probably rightfully so, on the Senate.

That being said, there is still discussion and interaction behind the scenes. Due to a shift in the current active authors, there hasn't been a pressing need to - in particular to numerous poor polls that had been an issue when this was originally discussed - aggressively address some of the points in the platform.

We've also had a more active and generally better written (to at least an overall standard, not one of real world journalistic excellence) MinComm/EBC which has meant that private media has not been the sole force to maintain a check on the government in any form.

Still, this does need greater attention from those that wish to see a more involved private media - and as an early advocate I am just as much at fault in the silence we have seen here.

But again, that's not to say it is forgotten or a failed experiment.
Not forgotten, but Rylian has the right of it that my focus has been with the Senate. I have drafted up a concept for awards and we've already seen some efforts to sync polls together since Rylian's original suggestion, but yes, my attention has largely been elsewhere. Are you interested in joining in, Hy, or just wanting to comment on an Anumia-project? :p